Orbis Sets up Regional Training Center for Patient Communication at HVDEH

To strengthen the patient counseling infrastructure, Orbis, an international non-profit working towards the prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness, established a regional training center at its partner hospital PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital.

Orbis, an international non-profit dedicated to the treatment of avoidable blindness sets up Regional Training Center for Patient Communication at PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital. This strategic move aims to fortify the patient counseling infrastructure, ultimately elevating the quality of care being provided. Supported by the Foundation for Health and Mind Development, the regional training center will serve as a hub for offering courses and regular training programs on patient counseling and education for other hospitals in western region of India. Patient counseling and education play a vital role in comprehensive medical and surgical treatment management.

The inauguration ceremony witnessed distinguished dignitaries, with Kenneth Youngstein, Founder of Foundation for Health and Mind Development, as the Chief Guest, and Rosemarie Barthelot, Regional HR Partner-Asia at Orbis, graced the occasion as the Guest of Honor.

Dr Rishi Raj Borah

Country Director – India

Patient coun­selling is essen­tial empow­er the patients and their fam­i­lies with to make informed deci­sions about their health and treat­ment. Effec­tive patient coun­sel­ing not only builds trust but also results in greater patient compliance.

Rosemarie Barthelot

Regional HR Partner – Asia, Orbis

Through com­pre­hen­sive train­ing, we aim to equip health­care pro­fes­sion­als with the skills they need to pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate and empa­thet­ic patient coun­sel­ing and insti­tu­tion­al­ize the process­es by invit­ing man­age­ment and lead­er­ship buy-in.

Dr. Kuldeep Dole

Medical Director, PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital

Besides strength­en­ing the coun­sel­ing depart­ment of our hos­pi­tal, this ini­tia­tive will bol­ster the patient-doc­tor rela­tion­ship as well. The move will ensure that patients, in addi­tion to receiv­ing med­ical care, would be lent an empa­thet­ic ear to address and assuage any issues per­ti­nent to treat­ment. This will lead to achiev­ing greater patient sat­is­fac­tion. The approach offers a win-win sit­u­a­tion: while patient coun­sel­ing gives the patients an assur­ance of being in safe hands, the hos­pi­tal will be able to track its devel­op­ment as an insti­tu­tion through met­rics such as sur­gi­cal con­ver­sion rate, com­pli­ance to fol­low – up, reduc­tion in patient drop-out rates, among others.

As part of the Orbis initiative, the counseling and waiting room areas of the PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital have been refurbished to create a positive environment for counseling. The training involves structured courses and curriculum on patient counseling and education with a mix of in-person and online sessions. Counselors will be trained to simplify medical jargon while discussing eye conditions with patients and their families and equipping them to with the knowledge to make decisions about their health and treatment plans.

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