Orbis Establishes Regional Training Center for Patient Communication at VMANNN

Orbis, an international non-profit working for the prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness, inaugurated a Regional Training Center for patient communication at its partner hospital - Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan, Kolkata.

As a strategic initiative to fortify the patient counseling infrastructure, Orbis inaugurated a Regional Training Center for patient communication at its partner hospital - Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan, Kolkata, thereby ultimately elevating the quality of care being provided. This launch also serves as a pivotal hub for patient communication and education, offering regular courses and consultancy support to other eye hospitals. This one-of-a-kind intervention is supported by the Foundation for Health and Mind Development.

The inauguration was graced by Kenneth Youngstein, Founder of Foundation for Health and Mind Development, as the Chief Guest and Rosemarie Barthelot, Regional HR Partner-Asia at Orbis as the Guest of Honor. The event was also attended by distinguished dignitaries including Mr. Dilip Mondal, Honorable Minister of State Transportation, Govt. of West Bengal; Dr. Atreyi Chakrabarty, Deputy CMOH II and DPM of NPCBVI, South 24 Parganas and Dr. Rahul Mishra, Superintendent, Amtala Rural Hospital, South 24 Parganas.

The counseling and waiting room areas of Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan have been refurbished to provide a conducive environment to facilitate discussion among the patients, their families and counselors. This includes placing informative and engaging resources, such as Information, Education and Communication (IEC) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) materials in the waiting area to enhance patients' comprehension of health conditions and enable meaningful discussions with healthcare professionals.

Kenneth Youngstein

Founder, Foundation for Health and Mind Development

Pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tion to hos­pi­tal man­age­ment can facil­i­tate the inte­gra­tion of patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion prac­tices with­in the sys­tem, lead­ing to a strength­ened approach that reduces patient dropouts. The imple­men­ta­tion of effec­tive patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion serves as a means to sen­si­tize prac­tic­ing med­ical pro­fes­sion­als, includ­ing doc­tors, nurs­es and para-med­ical staff, to the sig­nif­i­cance of vital clin­i­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. These skills are piv­otal in enhanc­ing the qual­i­ty of patient care, guar­an­tee­ing patient safe­ty and fos­ter­ing patient sat­is­fac­tion. The estab­lish­ment of a group of pro­fi­cient train­ers is imper­a­tive to ensure the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of this intervention.

Rosemarie Barthelot

Regional HR Partner – Asia, Orbis

Such train­ing cen­ters can cater to the needs of both already prac­tic­ing coun­selors to improve their skills and those who want to choose coun­sel­ing as a career option.These train­ings will help strength­en the coun­sel­ing depart­ments at the hos­pi­tal in terms of infra­struc­ture and human resources. Such ini­tia­tives also align to Orbis’ glob­al strate­gic vision. These region­al train­ing cen­ters will be able to address the region­al need in terms of patient coun­sel­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions con­sid­er­ing the cul­ture, beliefs and thought process.

Dr. Asim Sil

Medical Director, Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan

We con­tin­u­al­ly antic­i­pate the priv­i­lege of tend­ing to patients, valu­ing their sat­is­fac­tion as a para­mount con­cern. Kudos to this ini­tia­tive, as it assures us that every patient can now read­i­ly engage in dis­cus­sions regard­ing their con­cerns and receive appro­pri­ate guid­ance from coun­selors both pri­or to and fol­low­ing any med­ical or sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure. The estab­lish­ment of the region­al cen­ter for patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion serves as a tes­ta­ment to our unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to the doc­trine of patient-cen­tered care with­in our health­care facility.

Mr. Dilip Mondal

Honorable Minister of State Transportation, Govt. of West Bengal

We embrace this ini­tia­tive and expect it to make way for a par­a­digm shift in the oper­a­tional dynam­ics of oph­thal­mol­o­gy hos­pi­tals in our state. This move guar­an­tees that patient sat­is­fac­tion is now a cus­tom­ary part of the treat­ment process.

Dr. Atreyi Chakrabarty

Deputy CMOH II and DPM of NPCBVI, South 24 Parganas

This pio­neer­ing ini­tia­tive will pave way for a more patient-cen­tric approach in the oph­thal­mol­o­gy space in India.

Earlier this month, within the framework of the same Orbis initiative, a regional center specializing in patient communication was established in Pune. These pioneering initiatives underscore Orbis' commitment to providing accessible, high-quality eye care to all.

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