Orbis and RPC, AIIMS Unveil Manual on Mapping of Human Resource

The handbook aims to map and improve the human and material resources available in India for the treatment and management of vision impairment.

In a bid to enhance eye care service delivery in India, Orbis, an international non-profit dedicated to the prevention of avoidable blindness, has unveiled the Eye Care Manual on Mapping of Human Resource and Infrastructure for Pediatric Eye Care Services in India, in partnership with Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). The manual is aimed at mapping and boosting the human and material resources available for the treatment and management of visual impairment in India.

The unveiling of the manual is the result of tireless effort by Dr. R.P. Centre, AIIMS and Orbis to respond to the growing concern around the availability of manpower and infrastructure in the eye healthcare industry in the country. A 2020 national survey on HR and Infrastructure Mapping for Eye Health in India available as the India Vision Atlas under the National Program for the Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, showed that a lot more needs to be done to improve pediatric eye care.

The unveiling of the manual was anchored by Dr. Jeevan Singh Titiyal, Chief, Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences; Dr. Praveen Vashist, Professor and Officer In-Charge, Community Ophthalmology; and Derek Hodkey, President and CEO, Orbis International among other key members of Dr. R.P. Centre, AIIMS, followed by discussions on strengthening the partnership to bring about a positive transformation in the field of pediatric eye health in India.

Orbis and RPC, AIIMS Meet During the Unveiling

Dr. Jeevan Singh Titiyal

Chief, Dr R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences

Mit­i­gat­ing child­hood blind­ness requires assess­ing and bridg­ing the gap in ser­vice deliv­ery through map­ping of resources and infra­struc­ture fol­lowed by informed deci­sion making.

The Manual on Mapping of Human Resource and Infrastructure for Pediatric Eye Care Services in India was developed to provide data regarding availability of services as well as infrastructure for pediatric eye care services in India. The All-India Ophthalmological society (AIOS) provided the database of ophthalmologists to find the names and contact details of ophthalmologists in the districts. The conclusion of this survey was included in the India Vision Atlas. The India Vision Atlas under the National Survey on Human Resources and Infrastructure tab provides information about Eye Care Indicators such as Eye Institute Population Ratio, Ophthalmologist Population Ratio, Optometrist Population Ratio, Paediatric Eye Institute Population Ratio and Paediatric Ophthalmologist Population Ratio. The Eye Care institute tab provides information about institutes such as ownership, facilities and services depending on state and district which can also be downloaded as a PDF. This manual highlights the status of paediatric eye care services in India. It provides a detailed insight into infrastructure including the supportive human resources to provide pediatric ophthalmology services.

Dr. Praveen Vashist

Professor and Officer In-charge, Community Ophthalmology, Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS

The man­u­al on Map­ping of Human Resource and Infra­struc­ture for Pedi­atric Eye Care Ser­vices is an effort towards pro­vid­ing evi­dence-based infor­ma­tion to strength­en the train­ing needs for pedi­atric eye care ser­vices in the country.

Derek Hodkey

President and CEO, Orbis International

We are excit­ed at the extent of work being done in part­ner­ship with Dr. R. P. Cen­tre for Oph­thalmic Sci­ences, AIIMS and the trend around pedi­atric eye care being cap­tured in this man­u­al on Map­ping of Human Resource and Infra­struc­ture for Pae­di­atric Eye Care Ser­vices in India.

Orbis and Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS have also been involved in programs aimed towards boosting pediatric eye care. These include a national survey on HR & Infrastructure for Control of Childhood and Corneal Blindness in India conducted and published in 2006; Strategic Planning for Orbis Partners under the Eye Care Management project; and the establishment of a Children's Eye Centre at the Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, the Apex Centre for Eye Health in India.

Dr. Rishi Raj Borah

Country Director, Orbis

This pub­li­ca­tion in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Dr. R.P. Cen­tre pro­vides an in-depth analy­sis and insight on trends of pedi­atric eye care ser­vices across dif­fer­ent geo­gra­phies in India.
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