by Talkad Venkanna Chatura, Program Officer, Orbis
The literacy rate in India has improved from 64.83% in 2001 to 74.04% in 2011 with a decadal difference of 9.21%. States like Bihar with low literacy rate have shown an improvement of 16.82% in 2011 (47% in 2001 to 63.82% in 2011). However, when we look at it closely, the gender-based gap in literacy rate could improve only 4.9% overall in India while Bihar showed an improvement of 6.5% (26.56 % in 2001 to 20.06% in 2011) which is higher than the overall improvement. But the recent National Sample Survey in its 75th round report (2017-18) shows that 47.7% of the females are not literate in Bihar. Education not only gives an opportunity to girls but also helps in providing an enabling environment to grow and resourcefully contribute to family income while also reducing the gender-based differences.